Transnasal Endoscopy

Transnasal endoscopy is a cutting-edge diagnostic procedure that offers a less invasive and more comfortable alternative to traditional endoscopic examinations. It is particularly valuable for evaluating conditions such as acid reflux, swallowing difficulties, and gastrointestinal symptoms.

  • 15 MINUTES

    Testing Time

Recommended for:

  • Patients over their 30

Examine esophagus, stomach, and duodenum for cancer, ulcers, polyps, etc.
It is possible to drive or work immediately after the procedure, and even busy people can take the procedure without experiencing difficulty.


What are the Benefits of Transnasal Endoscopy?

  • Minimally invasive procedure that eliminates the need for sedation, resulting in a more comfortable and faster recovery for patients.
  • Well-tolerated by patients due to its gentle insertion through the nostril, minimizing gagging reflexes and throat irritation commonly associated with traditional endoscopy.
  • Performed in an outpatient setting, reducing the need for hospitalization and allowing patients to return home shortly after the procedure.
  • Experience minimal recovery time, allowing them to resume their daily activities shortly after the procedure.
  • Safer option for patients who may have medical conditions or contraindications that make traditional endoscopy with sedation riskier.


Frequently Asked Questions about Transnasal Endoscopy

A thin and flexible endoscope is inserted through the nostril and advanced through the nasal passages into the upper gastrointestinal tract. Patients typically remain awake and alert during the procedure, which usually takes around 10 to 15 minutes.

No, sedation is not typically required for transnasal endoscopy. The procedure is performed without the need for sedatives or anesthesia, reducing the risks and potential side effects associated with sedation.

Transnasal endoscopy is suitable for many individuals, particularly those who prefer to avoid sedation or have specific medical conditions that make sedation risky. Your healthcare provider will determine whether transnasal endoscopy is the appropriate option based on your medical history and current health status.

Transnasal endoscopy is valuable for evaluating a range of conditions, including acid reflux (GERD), swallowing difficulties, gastritis, and other upper gastrointestinal symptoms. It allows healthcare providers to directly visualize the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum, facilitating accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Transnasal endoscopy is generally considered safe and carries minimal risks. Some patients might experience minor discomfort or a sensation of pressure during the procedure, but serious complications are rare. As with any medical procedure, your healthcare provider will discuss potential risks and benefits with you before the examination.

Patients below 34 years old with comorbidities and patients who are 35 years old and above are required to submit a CP Clearance 1 day prior their surgery.

Transnasal endoscopy is generally well-tolerated and less uncomfortable compared to traditional endoscopy procedures.

The examination typically lasts for about 30 minutes.

Patients aged 40 and above, seeking to screen for digestive health, and need detailed gastric examination.

Pediatric patients are not recommended to undergo the executive package. For patients 40 years old and below, a Doctor’s request will be required, depending on the patient’s health condition.

The preparation include fasting for 6-8 hours before the procedure, removing nose piercings, and securing CP Clearance.

Note that all patients aged 35 and above should undergo CP Clearance.

The results will be released on the same day.