Despite being highly preventable and treatable, colorectal cancer is still a growing health concern for Filipinos. As of 2022, it ranks as the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the country. 

This condition often starts with benign polyps in the lining of the colon or rectum, which can gradually develop into cancer if left unnoticed. The good news is that you can significantly reduce its risks through preventive care, as long as you know what signs to watch out for.

Here are the 5 most common signs of colorectal cancer that you should never ignore:

  1. Changes in Bowel Movement

One warning sign is when there are persistent changes in your bowel habits, like diarrhea or constipation. However, unlike ordinary diarrhea, bowel changes linked to colorectal cancer often follow distinct patterns, such as lasting for weeks or months and stools that are consistently narrower or “pencil-thin”.

  1. Blood in the stool

If there is a presence of blood in your stool, its color depends  on its source as it can appear bright red (from the rectum) or dark (from the colon). In some cases, blood may not be visible at all, but a Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) can help detect it.

  1. Abdominal Pain

Experiencing abdominal discomfort, such as cramping or bloating, especially during bowel movements.

  1. Unexplained weight loss

Noticing a sudden, unintentional drop in body weight, even without changes in diet or exercise, should also be monitored.

  1. Fatigue, Weakness, and Paleness

Fatigue, weakness, and paleness are common symptoms of anemia, a condition where there’s not enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. These symptoms are also linked to colorectal cancer, especially when the cancer causes internal bleeding that leads to gradual blood loss — often unnoticed in early stages. 

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, it’s best to have yourself checked as soon as possible. As mentioned earlier, colorectal cancer is not only treatable but also preventable, especially with the help of specialized procedures.  

One such procedure, colonoscopy, is widely regarded as the gold standard for detecting colorectal cancer. This safe and highly effective method allows medical professionals to thoroughly examine the colon and rectum by inserting a flexible tube with a camera to find abnormal growths, polyps, or other early signs of cancer. 

At Shinagawa Diagnostic, we provide colonoscopy services as part of our commitment to preventive care. For a more holistic approach to your health, you can also avail this through our VIP Shinagawa Dock. This health package not only addresses colorectal cancer, but also brings a deeper look into your health status with a range of essential tests such as an MRI scan and CT Scan to make sure that all possible health risks are solved before they become worse.

Stop second-guessing if you are at risk — schedule your health checkup today at Shinagawa Diagnostic for your peace of mind.


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