Although tumor markers alone cannot confirm the presence or absence of cancer, they are useful as a trigger for detecting cancer, and when taken in conjunction with other cancer screening tests such as imaging tests, they can improve the accuracy of diagnosis.

Testing Time: 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the patient's condition

Testing Time: 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the patient's condition

The Cancer Screening Tests can also be availed as an individual health service or rider paired with other health packages.

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Frequently asked questions

A cancer screening blood test is a diagnostic tool that checks for specific markers or abnormalities in the blood that may indicate the presence of cancer.

The test detects specific substances (e.g., tumor markers, proteins, or DNA mutations) in the blood that may indicate cancer. These markers are often released by cancer cells or as a response by the body.

While cancer screening blood tests can provide valuable information, they are typically part of a broader diagnostic process. Results from these tests may need follow-up through imaging studies (e.g., MRI, CT scans) for confirmation.

The cancer screening blood tests available at Shinagawa does not require fasting.

Shinagawa’s Platinum Shinagawa Dock and VIP Shinagawa Dock includes the selected Tumor Marker Tests. However, these tests can also be availed as an individual health service or rider paired with other health packages.