SHINAGAWA works to ensure that the privacy of our clients and employees is protected and managed. We shall only collect, use, disclose, retain, and transfer your personal information if it is relevant to the purposes for which it was collected, and, in a manner set out under the Data Privacy Act of 2012.


Shinagawa collects your personal information through multi-faceted collection channels including but not limited to physical personal collection, through website registration and appointment, social media interaction or through our affiliated third-party information processors.


Primarily, we use your personal information for the facilitation of our medical services. This information may be used among different segments of the company. It is necessary for our authorized employees and contractors to acquire your information to properly carry out their mandates which includes but shall not be limited to the following functions: medical treatment, medical record storage, billing and payment purpose, legal and dispute settlement, regulatory compliance, marketing related activities, research and development, and other functions concerning public health.

Personal Data Collected

Shinagawa is aligned with the mandate of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 to adhere to data privacy principle of Transparency, Legitimate Purpose and Proportionality. In collecting your Personal Information, it is necessary for us to inform you and make you aware that you are sharing personal information, that we collect only personal information for its intended purpose and we only collect information that is only necessary to carry out the service we provide to you.

Rights of a Data Subject

As a Data subject, you have the following rights in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 as follows:

  • Right to be informed (IRR, Section 34. a)
  • Right to object (IRR, Section 34. b)
  • Right to access (IRR, Section 34. c)
  • Right to data portability (IRR, Section 36)
  • Right to be corrected (rectify) (IRR, Section 34. d)
  • Right to file a complaint (IRR, Section 34.a.2)
  • Right to damages (IRR, Section 34.f)
  • Right to erasure or blocking (IRR, Section 34. e)
  • Transmissibility of Right (IRR, Section 35)


We have Organizational, Technical, and Physical Security Measures to protect your information. Among others, it includes but is not limited to having secured IT infrastructure, secured physical storage system and deploying appropriate retention and disposal policies, verification and security measures in the event of request to access medical records and other measures that is necessary to keep your personal information properly maintained, organized, and secured.

Retention and Disposal

Upon collection, Shinagawa may retain your personal information for up to ten (10) years from the last date of consultation/surgery (or until there is a legal necessity to retain the information relative to its intended purpose). Nevertheless, Shinagawa may dispose your records as it deems necessary as long as it is accordance with the law and the issuances of our regulating agency.

Once a medical record has been inactive after the retention period, Shinagawa disposes your personal records in the manner accorded with the best data privacy practices.

In your own volition, you may also request for the deletion of your personal information by sending a written request addressed to our Data Privacy Officer to which information is provided below. In the event of request for deletion or withdrawal of consent, please be informed that Shinagawa may no longer be able to provide you with continuous support depending on the extent of the request.

Automate Process

Shinagawa has no automated process making system.


Threat to data privacy breach is always looming, but, we have carefully assessed these risks and have placed measures to deter this, in the best of our ability. We also see to it that we are compliant with the requirements of the National Privacy Commission, which is the country’s privacy watchdog; an independent body mandated to administer and implement the Data Privacy Act of 2012, and to monitor and ensure compliance of the country with international standards set for data protection.


Your personal information may be shared among the authorized personnel of the personal information controller and processors. However, such disclosure is only relevant to the intended purpose of the disclosure and to effectively carryout the service of Shinagawa. This may include but shall not be limited to the controllers’ and processors’ authorized employees, affiliated hospitals, HMO providers, independent medical contractors, medical consultants, and affiliated service providers. We may also share your personal information to Shinagawa’s subsidiaries for marketing and promotional campaigns subject to your express consent.


Shinagawa is a lawfully registered corporation that has been authorized to conduct its business in the Philippines. As part of the medical industry, the Department of Health empowers Shinagawa to have a legal mandate to collect, process, use, maintain, retain, and dispose your personal information within the bounds permitted by law.

DPO Contact Information

Your privacy is important to us. We are committed effectively develop our data protection practices and we thank you for putting your trust to our organization in handling your personal information. For any concerns or matters relating to but not limited to how we process your information, request to access information or if you believe your privacy has been violated, you may reach contact us through or you may course your concern directly to our Data Privacy Officer through

The provision of this Policy is effective this 16th day of June 2023 until amended.


At Shinagawa Diagnostic & Preventive Care, we uphold the highest ethical conduct and privacy compliance standards. We take pride in our Certificate of Registration and Seal of Compliance, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to strict adherence to the guidelines set forth by the National Privacy Commission. Our dedication to safeguarding individual privacy and data protection rights among our stakeholders is paramount. We ensure strict compliance measures to protect our patient’s privacy rights, prioritizing the confidentiality and security of their personal information. Rest assured, at Shinagawa Diagnostic & Preventive Care, your privacy is our top priority.